UPDATED 2016/8/18
薬物規定違反 4試合出場停止
8月 16日 -- ビルズはNTマーセル・ダリアスが薬物規定違反によって 4試合の出場停止処分を受けたと発表した。


ダリアスは昨年 5月にも薬物規定違反で 1試合出場停止を受けた。 今回が 2度目になったが、具体的にどのような薬物を使用したのかは明らかにされていない。

ビルズは昨年 9月にダリアスと 6年 9500万ドルの巨額契約を結んだが、 出場停止分の給料は支払われない。

With deepest regrets I want to apologize to the @BuffaloBills organization, my fans, my family and the entire NFL football community for the incident that led to me missing 4 games for the upcoming 2016-2017 season. I will not #makeexcuses for the events in question and will allow the process to proceed as is required by the @NFL; however, please know and understand I am committed to the game and am more committed to my #Billsorganization and fans. This temporary setback will only fuel my desire and commitment to bring #Buffalochampionships and the #SuperBowl. I ask at this time that you continue to #believe in me and I will continue to invest all that I have to bring honor and respect to the organization and my fans and ultimately bring #Buffalomafia what it deserves - a #SuperBowl! Thank you for continuing to support me - I will rise above this setback, as with every challenge brings an opportunity for growth and supreme #success!

Marcell Dareusさん(@cell57to99)が投稿した写真 -


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